At Smarthost, we calculate your potential earnings from short and mid term rentals by analyzing a year's booking data from similar property listings in your area. This process is tailored to your property. If you provide an exact address, we focus on nearby listings, while an area input lets us evaluate the top 50% of similar properties based on their earnings.
We estimate your average nightly earnings by multiplying the average income from these comparable listings by the number of nights you plan to host. While our calculations exclude taxes and hosting expenses, they provide a clear picture of your earning potential, considering factors like your property availability, pricing, local demand, and compliance with local laws.
This approach helps us estimate how 2-bed homes in your area, in January 2024 could earn up to 23% more with short-term rentals compared to long-term lets.
Airbnb management in Brighton
Flexible lettings that earn you more! Make the most of short and mid term lets and increase your rental revenue by up to up to 40% with Smarthost innovative industry-leading management service.
Full property management solutions in Brighton
Offering a tailored service for hosts of all experience levels and circumstances, we manage your listings on Airbnb,, and more. Enjoy the smart hosting experience, fully managed by our dedicated in-house teams